A lightweight rendering engine for experimentations
Engine | General code |
Graphics | Contain items and functions interacting with the graphics API |
Generation | Generation of randomness, noise and other procedural content |
Input | Handle user input through keyboard, mouse and controllers and provide controllable cameras |
Processing | General image processing utilities |
Renderers | General 3D renderers |
Raycaster | Compute intersection between rays and geometry |
Resources | Handle resource loading/saving tasks |
Scene | Contain objects, lights and environment representations used in 3D scene rendering |
System | Interactions with the operating system |
▼Applications | Applications built with Rendu |
Atmospheric scattering | Demonstrate real-time approximate atmospheric scattering simulation |
Image Filtering | Apply a variety of image space filters and processings to an image |
Island | Render an island in the middle of the ocean |
Path tracer | A basic diffuse path tracing demo, with an interactive viewer to place the camera |
Physically-based rendering | Real-time rendering using GGX BRDF, image-based lighting, AO, tonemapped HDR, antialiasing |
Playground | A basic playground for testing ideas |
Shader bench | Shader visualisation tool, inspired by ShaderToy and Bonzomatic |
Snake Game | A 3D snake game demo |
Stencil demo | Example of using the stencil buffer for visual effects |
▼Tools | Preprocess tools for precomputation and validation, etc |
BRDF Estimation | Precompute BRDF-related data for real-time rendering |
Controller Test | Configuration tool to generate and test controller mappings |
Image Viewer | A basic image viewer, supports LDR and HDR images |
OBJ to scene converter | Process a multi-objects/groups/materials OBJ file to generate a Rendu scene on disk |
Scene editor | Edit scenes and export them |
Shader Validation | Validate shaders compilation on the GPU and output IDE-compliant error messages |
Shaders | GPU shading programs |