A lightweight rendering engine for experimentations
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Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 EngineGeneral code
 GraphicsContain items and functions interacting with the graphics API
 GenerationGeneration of randomness, noise and other procedural content
 InputHandle user input through keyboard, mouse and controllers and provide controllable cameras
 ProcessingGeneral image processing utilities
 RenderersGeneral 3D renderers
 RaycasterCompute intersection between rays and geometry
 ResourcesHandle resource loading/saving tasks
 SceneContain objects, lights and environment representations used in 3D scene rendering
 SystemInteractions with the operating system
 ApplicationsApplications built with Rendu
 Atmospheric scatteringDemonstrate real-time approximate atmospheric scattering simulation
 Image FilteringApply a variety of image space filters and processings to an image
 IslandRender an island in the middle of the ocean
 Path tracerA basic diffuse path tracing demo, with an interactive viewer to place the camera
 Physically-based renderingReal-time rendering using GGX BRDF, image-based lighting, AO, tonemapped HDR, antialiasing
 PlaygroundA basic playground for testing ideas
 Shader benchShader visualisation tool, inspired by ShaderToy and Bonzomatic
 Snake GameA 3D snake game demo
 Stencil demoExample of using the stencil buffer for visual effects
 ToolsPreprocess tools for precomputation and validation, etc
 BRDF EstimationPrecompute BRDF-related data for real-time rendering
 Controller TestConfiguration tool to generate and test controller mappings
 Image ViewerA basic image viewer, supports LDR and HDR images
 OBJ to scene converterProcess a multi-objects/groups/materials OBJ file to generate a Rendu scene on disk
 Scene editorEdit scenes and export them
 Shader ValidationValidate shaders compilation on the GPU and output IDE-compliant error messages
 ShadersGPU shading programs