VkInstance | instance = VK_NULL_HANDLE |
| Native instance handle.
VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT | debugMessenger = VK_NULL_HANDLE |
| Native debug extension handle.
VkPhysicalDevice | physicalDevice = VK_NULL_HANDLE |
| Native physical device handle.
VkDevice | device = VK_NULL_HANDLE |
| Native logical device handle.
VkSurfaceKHR | surface = VK_NULL_HANDLE |
| Native surface handle.
VkCommandPool | commandPool = VK_NULL_HANDLE |
| Command pool for all frames.
std::vector< VkCommandBuffer > | renderCommandBuffers |
| Per-frame command buffers.
std::vector< VkCommandBuffer > | uploadCommandBuffers |
| Per-frame command buffers.
VkQueue | graphicsQueue = VK_NULL_HANDLE |
| Graphics submission queue.
VkQueue | presentQueue = VK_NULL_HANDLE |
| Presentation submission queue.
DescriptorAllocator | descriptorAllocator |
| Descriptor sets common allocator.
std::unordered_map< GPUQuery::Type, QueryAllocator > | queryAllocators |
| Per-type query buffered allocators.
PipelineCache | pipelineCache |
| Pipeline cache and creation.
SamplerLibrary | samplerLibrary |
| List of static samplers shared by all programs.
std::deque< ResourceToDelete > | resourcesToDelete |
| List of resources waiting for deletion.
std::deque< AsyncTextureTask > | textureTasks |
| List of async tasks waiting for completion.
uint64_t | tasksCount = 0 |
| Number of async tasks created.
VkPipeline | graphicsPipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE |
| Current graphics pipeline.
VkPipeline | computePipeline = VK_NULL_HANDLE |
| Current compute pipeline.
uint32_t | graphicsId = 0 |
| Graphics queue index.
uint32_t | presentId = 0 |
| Present queue index.
uint64_t | frameIndex = 0 |
| Current frame index.
uint32_t | swapIndex = 0 |
| Current buffered frame (in 0, frameCount-1).
double | timestep = 0.0 |
| Query timing timestep.
size_t | uniformAlignment = 0 |
| Minimal buffer alignment.
bool | portability = false |
| If the portability extension is present, we have to enable it.
const uint | frameCount = 2 |
| Number of buffered frames (should be lower or equal to the swapchain image count).
bool | newRenderPass = true |
| Has a render pass just started (pipeline needs to be re-bound).
bool | hadRenderPass = false |
| Has a render pass just ended.
bool | inRenderPass = false |
| Is a rendering pass currently active.
bool | markersEnabled = false |
| Are debug markers and labels enabled.
Global GPU context, storing all structures used for resource allocation and tracking, operations recording and rendering.