A lightweight rendering engine for experimentations
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VkUtils Namespace Reference

Utility functions for the Vulkan backend. More...


bool checkLayersSupport (const std::vector< const char * > &requestedLayers)
bool checkExtensionsSupport (const std::vector< const char * > &requestedExtensions)
std::vector< const char * > getRequiredInstanceExtensions (bool enableDebugMarkers, bool enablePortability)
bool checkDeviceExtensionsSupport (VkPhysicalDevice device, const std::vector< const char * > &requestedExtensions, bool &hasPortability)
bool getQueueFamilies (VkPhysicalDevice device, VkSurfaceKHR surface, int &graphicsFamily, int &presentFamily)
Layout convertFormat (const VkFormat &format)
Layout findSupportedFormat (const VkPhysicalDevice &physicalDevice, const std::vector< VkFormat > &candidates, VkImageTiling tiling, VkFormatFeatureFlags features)
void typesFromShape (const TextureShape &shape, VkImageType &imgType, VkImageViewType &viewType)
VkCommandBuffer beginSyncOperations (GPUContext &context)
void endSyncOperations (VkCommandBuffer &commandBuffer, GPUContext &context)
void imageLayoutBarrier (VkCommandBuffer &commandBuffer, GPUTexture &texture, VkImageLayout newLayout, uint mipStart, uint mipCount, uint layerStart, uint layerCount)
void mipLayoutBarrier (VkCommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const Texture &texture, VkImageLayout newLayout, uint mip)
void textureLayoutBarrier (VkCommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const Texture &texture, VkImageLayout newLayout)
void createCommandBuffers (GPUContext &context, uint count)
void checkResult (VkResult status)
VkSamplerAddressMode getGPUWrapping (Wrap mode)
void getGPUFilters (Filter filtering, VkFilter &imgFiltering, VkSamplerMipmapMode &mipFiltering)
unsigned int getGPULayout (Layout typedFormat, VkFormat &format)
glm::uvec2 copyTextureRegionToBuffer (VkCommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const Texture &srcTexture, std::shared_ptr< Buffer > &dstBuffer, uint mipStart, uint mipCount, uint layerStart, uint layerCount, const glm::uvec2 &offset, const glm::uvec2 &size)
void blitTexture (VkCommandBuffer &commandBuffer, const Texture &src, const Texture &dst, uint mipStartSrc, uint mipStartDst, uint mipCount, uint layerStartSrc, uint layerStartDst, uint layerCount, const glm::uvec2 &srcBaseOffset, const glm::uvec2 &srcBaseSize, const glm::uvec2 &dstBaseOffset, const glm::uvec2 &dstBaseSize, Filter filter)
void setDebugName (GPUContext &context, VkObjectType type, uint64_t handle, const char *format,...)

Detailed Description

Utility functions for the Vulkan backend.

Function Documentation

◆ beginSyncOperations()

VkCommandBuffer VkUtils::beginSyncOperations ( GPUContext context)

Start a one-shot command buffer.

contextthe GPU internal context
the newly created command buffer

◆ blitTexture()

void VkUtils::blitTexture ( VkCommandBuffer &  commandBuffer,
const Texture src,
const Texture dst,
uint  mipStartSrc,
uint  mipStartDst,
uint  mipCount,
uint  layerStartSrc,
uint  layerStartDst,
uint  layerCount,
const glm::uvec2 &  srcBaseOffset,
const glm::uvec2 &  srcBaseSize,
const glm::uvec2 &  dstBaseOffset,
const glm::uvec2 &  dstBaseSize,
Filter  filter 

Blit a texture region to another texture region.

commandBufferthe command buffer to record the operation on
srcthe source texture
dstthe destination texture
mipStartSrcfirst mip to copy from
mipStartDstfirst mip to copy to
mipCountnumber of mip levels to copy
layerStartSrcfirst layer to copy from
layerStartDstfirst layer to copy to
layerCountnumber of layers to copy
srcBaseOffsettop-left corner pixel coordinates of the region to copy from
srcBaseSizepixel dimensions of the region to copy from
dstBaseOffsettop-left corner pixel coordinates of the region to copy to
dstBaseSizepixel dimensions of the region to copy to
filterinterpolation filtering to apply if regions have different dimensions
Offsets and sizes are expressed at mip 0 in all cases.

◆ checkDeviceExtensionsSupport()

bool VkUtils::checkDeviceExtensionsSupport ( VkPhysicalDevice  device,
const std::vector< const char * > &  requestedExtensions,
bool &  hasPortability 

Check if the Vulkan device supports some extensions and/or portability.

devicethe physical device handle
requestedExtensionslist of extension names
hasPortabilitywill denote if the device support portability
true if all extensions are supported

◆ checkExtensionsSupport()

bool VkUtils::checkExtensionsSupport ( const std::vector< const char * > &  requestedExtensions)

Check if the Vulkan instance supports some extensions.

requestedExtensionslist of extension names
true if all extensions are supported

◆ checkLayersSupport()

bool VkUtils::checkLayersSupport ( const std::vector< const char * > &  requestedLayers)

Check if the Vulkan instance supports some validation layers.

requestedLayerslist of layer names
true if all layers are supported

◆ checkResult()

void VkUtils::checkResult ( VkResult  status)

Log a Vulkan return code as a human-readable string.

statusthe status to check

◆ convertFormat()

Layout VkUtils::convertFormat ( const VkFormat &  format)

Convert Vulkan format to Rendu format

formatVulkan format
the Rendu format

◆ copyTextureRegionToBuffer()

glm::uvec2 VkUtils::copyTextureRegionToBuffer ( VkCommandBuffer &  commandBuffer,
const Texture srcTexture,
std::shared_ptr< Buffer > &  dstBuffer,
uint  mipStart,
uint  mipCount,
uint  layerStart,
uint  layerCount,
const glm::uvec2 &  offset,
const glm::uvec2 &  size 

Copy a texture region to a transfer buffer allocated internally.

commandBufferthe command buffer to record the operation on
srcTexturethe source texture
dstBufferwill point to the destination buffer
mipStartfirst mip to copy
mipCountnumber of mip levels to copy
layerStartfirst layer to copy
layerCountnumber of layers to copy
offsettop-left corner pixel coordinates of the region to copy
sizepixel dimensions of the region to copy
Offsets and sizes are expressed at mip 0 in all cases.
the image index range in the source texture corresponding to the requested mip levels and layers.

◆ createCommandBuffers()

void VkUtils::createCommandBuffers ( GPUContext context,
uint  count 

Create per-frame command buffers on the context.

contextthe GPU internal context
countnumber of command buffers to create

◆ endSyncOperations()

void VkUtils::endSyncOperations ( VkCommandBuffer &  commandBuffer,
GPUContext context 

Finish and submit a one-shot command buffer, waiting for queue completion.

commandBufferthe command buffer to complete
contextthe GPU internal context

◆ findSupportedFormat()

Layout VkUtils::findSupportedFormat ( const VkPhysicalDevice &  physicalDevice,
const std::vector< VkFormat > &  candidates,
VkImageTiling  tiling,
VkFormatFeatureFlags  features 

Find the optimal image format from a list based on tiling and feature constraints

physicalDevicethe physical device handle
candidateslist of possible formats to select from
tilingtype of tiling to support
featuresfeature flags to support
the selected format

◆ getGPUFilters()

void VkUtils::getGPUFilters ( Filter  filtering,
VkFilter &  imgFiltering,
VkSamplerMipmapMode &  mipFiltering 

Convert a Rendu texture filter to an interpolation and mip map Vulkan filterings.

filteringthe texture filtering
imgFilteringwill contain the corresponding Vulkan image filtering
mipFilteringwill contain the corresponding Vulkan mipmap mode

◆ getGPULayout()

unsigned int VkUtils::getGPULayout ( Layout  typedFormat,
VkFormat &  format 

Convert a Rendu texture layout to a format and channel count.

typedFormatthe texture layout
formatwill contain the corresponding Vulkan format
the format number of components

◆ getGPUWrapping()

VkSamplerAddressMode VkUtils::getGPUWrapping ( Wrap  mode)

Convert a Rendu texture wrapping to a Vulkan address mode.

modethe texture wrapping
the corresponding Vulkan adressing mode

◆ getQueueFamilies()

bool VkUtils::getQueueFamilies ( VkPhysicalDevice  device,
VkSurfaceKHR  surface,
int &  graphicsFamily,
int &  presentFamily 

Query the graphics and present queue families indices.

devicethe physical device handle
surfacethe display surface
graphicsFamilywill contain the graphics queue family index
presentFamilywill contain the present queue family index
true if query successful

◆ getRequiredInstanceExtensions()

std::vector< const char * > VkUtils::getRequiredInstanceExtensions ( bool  enableDebugMarkers,
bool  enablePortability 

Query the instance extensions required by the system (swapchain, debug layers,...)

enableDebugMarkersshould debug marker extension be included
enablePortabilityshould portability extension be included
a list of extension names

◆ imageLayoutBarrier()

void VkUtils::imageLayoutBarrier ( VkCommandBuffer &  commandBuffer,
GPUTexture texture,
VkImageLayout  newLayout,
uint  mipStart,
uint  mipCount,
uint  layerStart,
uint  layerCount 

Apply a layout transition barrier to a texture region.

commandBufferthe command buffer to record the operation on
texturethe texture to transition
newLayoutthe new layout to apply
mipStartfirst mip to apply the transition to
mipCountnumber of mip levels to transition
layerStartfirst layer to apply the transition to
layerCountnumber of layers to transition

◆ mipLayoutBarrier()

void VkUtils::mipLayoutBarrier ( VkCommandBuffer &  commandBuffer,
const Texture texture,
VkImageLayout  newLayout,
uint  mip 

Apply a layout transition barrier to a whole mip level.

commandBufferthe command buffer to record the operation on
texturethe texture to transition
newLayoutthe new layout to apply
mipthe mip level to transition

◆ setDebugName()

void VkUtils::setDebugName ( GPUContext context,
VkObjectType  type,
uint64_t  handle,
const char *  format,

Associate a debug name to a Vulkan object for validation layers and captures.

contextthe GPU context
typethe type of the object
handlethe handle to the object, casted as a raw integer
formatname string format string arguments

◆ textureLayoutBarrier()

void VkUtils::textureLayoutBarrier ( VkCommandBuffer &  commandBuffer,
const Texture texture,
VkImageLayout  newLayout 

Apply a layout transition barrier to a whole texture.

commandBufferthe command buffer to record the operation on
texturethe texture to transition
newLayoutthe new layout to apply

◆ typesFromShape()

void VkUtils::typesFromShape ( const TextureShape shape,
VkImageType &  imgType,
VkImageViewType &  viewType 

Convert a Rendu texture shape to an image and image view types.

shapethe texture shape
imgTypewill contain the corresponding image type
viewTypewill contain the corresponding image view type