A lightweight rendering engine for experimentations
This is the complete list of members for GPU, including all inherited members.
_lastState | GPU | privatestatic |
_metrics | GPU | privatestatic |
_metricsPrevious | GPU | privatestatic |
_quad | GPU | privatestatic |
_state | GPU | privatestatic |
beginFrameCommandBuffers() | GPU | privatestatic |
beginRender(const Load &depthOp, const Load &stencilOp, const Texture *depthStencil, const Load &colorOp, const Texture *color0=nullptr, const Texture *color1=nullptr, const Texture *color2=nullptr, const Texture *color3=nullptr) | GPU | static |
beginRender(const Load &colorOp, const Texture *color0, const Texture *color1=nullptr, const Texture *color2=nullptr, const Texture *color3=nullptr) | GPU | static |
beginRender(const Load &depthOp, const Load &stencilOp, const Texture *depthStencil) | GPU | static |
beginRender(uint layer, uint mip, const Load &depthOp, const Load &stencilOp, const Texture *depthStencil, const Load &colorOp, const Texture *color0=nullptr, const Texture *color1=nullptr, const Texture *color2=nullptr, const Texture *color3=nullptr) | GPU | static |
beginRender(uint layer, uint mip, const Load &colorOp, const Texture *color0, const Texture *color1=nullptr, const Texture *color2=nullptr, const Texture *color3=nullptr) | GPU | static |
beginRender(uint layer, uint mip, const Load &depthOp, const Load &stencilOp, const Texture *depthStencil) | GPU | static |
beginRender(const Window &window, const Load &depthOp=Load::Operation::DONTCARE, const Load &stencilOp=Load::Operation::DONTCARE, const Load &colorOp=Load::Operation::DONTCARE) | GPU | static |
bindAttachments(uint layer, uint mip, const Load &colorOp, const Load &depthOp, const Load &stencilOp, const Texture *depthStencil, const Texture *color0, const Texture *color1, const Texture *color2, const Texture *color3) | GPU | privatestatic |
bindComputePipelineIfNeeded() | GPU | privatestatic |
bindGraphicsPipelineIfNeeded() | GPU | privatestatic |
bindProgram(const Program &program) | GPU | static |
blit(const Texture &src, const Texture &dst, Filter filter) | GPU | static |
blit(const Texture &src, const Texture &dst, size_t lSrc, size_t lDst, Filter filter) | GPU | static |
blit(const Texture &src, const Texture &dst, size_t lSrc, size_t lDst, size_t mipSrc, size_t mipDst, Filter filter) | GPU | static |
blitDepth(const Texture &src, const Texture &dst) | GPU | static |
cancelAsyncOperation(const GPUAsyncTask &id) | GPU | static |
clean(GPUTexture &tex) | GPU | privatestatic |
clean(GPUMesh &mesh) | GPU | privatestatic |
clean(GPUBuffer &buffer) | GPU | privatestatic |
clean(Program &program) | GPU | privatestatic |
cleanup() | GPU | static |
clearDepth(const Texture &texture, float depth) | GPU | static |
clearTexture(const Texture &texture, const glm::vec4 &color) | GPU | static |
createComputeProgram(Program &program, const std::string &computeContent, const std::string &debugInfos) | GPU | static |
createGraphicsProgram(Program &program, const std::string &vertexContent, const std::string &fragmentContent, const std::string &tessControlContent, const std::string &tessEvalContent, const std::string &debugInfos) | GPU | static |
deviceInfos(std::string &vendor, std::string &renderer, std::string &version, std::string &shaderVersion) | GPU | static |
dispatch(uint width, uint height, uint depth) | GPU | static |
downloadBufferSync(const Buffer &buffer, size_t size, uchar *data, size_t offset=0) | GPU | static |
downloadTextureAsync(const Texture &texture, const glm::uvec2 &offset, const glm::uvec2 &size, uint layerCount, std::function< void(const Texture &)> callback) | GPU | static |
downloadTextureSync(Texture &texture) | GPU | static |
downloadTextureSync(Texture &texture, int level) | GPU | static |
drawMesh(const Mesh &mesh) | GPU | static |
drawQuad() | GPU | static |
drawTesselatedMesh(const Mesh &mesh, uint patchSize) | GPU | static |
endRender() | GPU | static |
endRenderingIfNeeded() | GPU | privatestatic |
flush() | GPU | static |
flushBuffer(const Buffer &buffer, size_t size, size_t offset) | GPU | static |
generateMipMaps(const Texture &texture) | GPU | static |
getInternal() | GPU | static |
getMetrics() | GPU | static |
getState(GPUState &state) | GPU | static |
GPUBuffer | GPU | friend |
GPUMesh | GPU | friend |
GPUTexture | GPU | friend |
nextFrame() | GPU | static |
PipelineCache | GPU | friend |
processAsyncTasks(bool forceAll=false) | GPU | privatestatic |
processDestructionRequests() | GPU | privatestatic |
Program | GPU | friend |
saveTexture(Texture &texture, const std::string &path, Image::Save options) | GPU | static |
setBlendState(bool test) | GPU | static |
setBlendState(bool test, BlendEquation equation, BlendFunction src, BlendFunction dst) | GPU | static |
setColorState(bool writeRed, bool writeGreen, bool writeBlue, bool writeAlpha) | GPU | static |
setCullState(bool cull) | GPU | static |
setCullState(bool cull, Faces culledFaces) | GPU | static |
setDepthState(bool test) | GPU | static |
setDepthState(bool test, TestFunction function, bool write) | GPU | static |
setPolygonState(PolygonMode mode) | GPU | static |
setStencilState(bool test, bool write) | GPU | static |
setStencilState(bool test, TestFunction function, StencilOp fail, StencilOp pass, StencilOp depthFail, uchar value) | GPU | static |
setup(const std::string &appName) | GPU | static |
setupBuffer(Buffer &buffer) | GPU | static |
setupMesh(Mesh &mesh) | GPU | static |
setupTexture(Texture &texture) | GPU | static |
setupWindow(Window *window) | GPU | static |
setViewport(int x, int y, int w, int h) | GPU | static |
setViewport(const Texture &tex) | GPU | static |
submitFrameCommandBuffers() | GPU | privatestatic |
supportedExtensions() | GPU | static |
Swapchain | GPU | friend |
uploadBuffer(const Buffer &buffer, size_t size, uchar *data, size_t offset=0) | GPU | static |
uploadTexture(const Texture &texture) | GPU | static |